Beer of the Month:

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Real Ale and a Bed.

Ale since November 1st, 1996.

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Welcome to Beerguide. This website is all about real ale and where to find it. We have brought together some of the best real pubs in the country in one place. We hope you use the site to plan your trips, or just to find a decent hostelry in a new place you visit. We now have a mobile site for your smartphone.

The idea?

The rhetoric from the big brewers is that real ale is dying and no one wants to drink it. This is just not true. More and more micro-breweries are opening all the time. Increasing numbers of people are opening and refurbishing public houses to be paradises of real ale.
Smartphone Site

Try out the new  Smartphone Site when you're on the move.

The main idea behind this website is to provide you with enough information to visit a good pub serving real ale and possibly continental beers. We also thought that with drink driving laws as tough as they are, that you might like to plan a trip and stay over. What more could you ask for than good real ale and a place to rest your head to recover.

You could ask for good food too we suppose. So we also try to make sure we denote where good food is available. The vast majority of pubs are not restaurants, so while we denote pubs which serve food, remember that not all have large kitchens.

We would also remind you that Beerguide accepts reviews from people like yourselves. We do try confirm accuracy and make necessary changes, but entries must always be treated with caution and we advise you call ahead to check details are still accurate. The pub trade changes faster than fashion and pubs are bought and sold as much as houses, with the subsequent change of facilities. While we try to keep up, there is sometimes a lag between reflection in these pages.

With all this in mind, please enjoy these pages as much as we do.


© 2023