
Three Tuns
12 Coppergate
North Yorkshire
(01904) 621873.


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Three Tuns  

Close to the castle mound/t, a 300 year old pub in the Mansfield fold. It's had a license since 1782 when Thomas Spink was there - read the inside of the sandwich menu for more history.

It serves all the Mansfield beers, but not at one time, they change with seasons. It is a very dark pub with low wood and beamed ceiling. Easy to find it is opposite principles (Coppergate shopping centre) near the York dungeons attraction.

Food is served lunch and evening until 9pm. music could be a problem and loud at weekends.

Occasional live music. There is bench seating round the edge and badly plastered/painted walls, but that's the history! For a change there are pictures on the wall and not that awful tat! Be careful after a couple as the floor slopes down to the door - it's not you.



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beer, food, real fire, vegetarian, train 


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Tourist Info: (01904) 611690
