
The Boathouse
Station Road
NE41 8HR
(01661) 853431.


Mon-Sat 11-11, Sun 12-10.30  



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THe Boathouse  

This two roomed pub backs on to the railway and is easily reached on the line to Newcastle from Carlise. Called the Boathouse for its closeness to the river, you can reach it via a footpath.

The room to the left of the entrance is more of a food area (12-6), though there is darts here also. Menu boards cover the rear wall and give plenty of choice for vegetarians at reasonable prices.

The second room where the main part of the bar is has a low ceiling with beams, a small bay window with seating is here. Hanging from the beams are tankards and other brass objects. Seating is at long 4-seater dark wood tables with matching chairs. A wood burning stove is at the far end and pumps out the heat in winter. Also round the fireplace are station signs from previous railway eras. Decor is magnolia walls covered in china/pottery plates.

This pub serves up to 15 ales, seven of which are gust ales, the rest come from its own brewery.

Very welcome when you've paid a fortune on the train to get there.

No accommodation here.

No beer garden, but you can sit on the steps if you wish.

Access for the disabled not good, plenty of steps - see picture and toilet facilities cramped, but clean.

Live music here.

Dogs welcome.

Free WiFi.



The "Boathouse" is now the brewery tap for the new "Wylam Brewery". It sells all of the breweries beers;- "Hedonist", "Turbinia", "Rocket" and "The Landlords Choice", (note that this last beer is brewed solely for the "Boathouse").

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beer, food, real fire, real cider, pets allowed, vegetarian, music, train 


©Beerguide 2024


Wylam Beers
plus guests.
plus cider



Black Bull Inn
Main Street
NE41 8AB
01661 853112
