
Willy Moor Lock
Tarporley Road
off A49
Willey Moor
(01948) 663274.


Mon-Sat 12-2.30 (3 Summert); 6-11, Sun 12-3; 7-10.  



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Willy Moor Lock  

A pub by a lock, simple as that, serving real ales and good food. Set back 300 yards off the road, in summer you can sit outside next to the canal (watch the kids please) and see the narrow boats coming through the lock almost constantly. Originally a lock keepers cottage, it has been extended to add an eating area. The original cottage still has beams and low ceilings and many different rooms - all filled with tea pots of all shapes and sizes/designs. Whitewashed walls give way to heavily patterned carpet throughout and dark wood tables and chairs (some padded benches in the extension) add to the small feeling you get. Don't let this put you off though as the guest beer choice is good, Dent Frolicking Good Ale, Lidstone's Bookies Revenge plus Coach House Premium. The bar extends through two rooms so move round to get attention. The food is also good and wholesome and there are vegetarian choices too, all at reasonable prices (though it may finish early some days). Outside there is a beer garden for kids which is fenced off from the Llangollen canal for safety (please keep the gate closed at all times). The atmosphere is friendly and efficient. Access for the disabled is possible (you walk over the canal on a rising footbridge), but not wheelchair users. Toilets are a little basic. No music. No accommodation here.



None as yet 





beer, food, beer garden, real fire 


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