
New Fountain Inn
Church Rd Whimple
EX5 2TA.
(01404) 822350.


Mon-Sat 12-3, 6.30-11, Sun 12-3; 7-10.30  



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New Fountain Inn  

This is a real country pub with a difference. It's now where you can get access to the O'Hanlons ales, as the brewery is outside. Although on this occasion they did not have more than one of their own beers on. The guests included a Teignworthy beer which was rather nice. You get to the pub off the A30 and down a country road with a single track and the occasional passing space. The pub shares a car park with the local heritage centre and the outside seating - picnic tables are at the back of the pub and visible from the car park. You enter through the porch at the side - the door can stick so give it a push. The toilets are to the left - there is a step, and the bars are to the right. The first bar you come to is the original and oldest looking bar. Here there are some old oblong tables and seating with dividers and a step down to the bar. The bar is small and next to the fireplace and has a few hand pumps - some of the beers are served directly from the barrels out back. All beers were good and well served. Stools at the bar are available in both bars. The lower bar is down a step and is more modern in style. There is a larger bar here, but only two hand pumps. The bar is all light wood with overhang and the same panelling around the walls. There is a fireplace in one corner and a window seat. The whole ambiance is very rustic and if you knew the pub they moved from this would be a real "back to the country" storyline. There is a real relaxing atmosphere here. The only real problem is that it actually shuts in the afternoon! Food is served here both lunch and evening and is traditional. There is occasional live music and quiz nights. Real fires and real cider are available. The bonus is that there is a rail station close by too. Well worth a visit and not far off the main road.



None as yet 





beer, food, beer garden, real fire, car park, real cider, vegetarian, train 


©Beerguide 2024


O'Hanlons Fire Fly
Teignworthy Reel Ale
plus guest ales.



Fluxton Farm
Ottery St. Mary
EX11 1RJ
(01404) 812818
From D:?50, S:?26
