
White Lion
10 Church Street
(01695) 622727.


Mon-Sat 12-3; 7.30-11 (7-11 Fri&Sat), Sun 12-3, 7-  





White Lion  

Multi-roomed pub opposite church, sometimes funerals on. Also multi-levelled, so unsuitable for the disabled, steps everywhere. Toilets basic. This is a Thwaits house, refurbished on a sort of Laura Ashley mode. Bench seats around the walls with dark wooden tables and stools. On the papered walls are fake historical pictures and objects. The 'L' shaped wooden bar is split into three rooms; a small snug at the front with TV, the main serving area and another larger room at the top of the pub. The bar has glass overhang and an interesting spirit glass holder on the bar ceiling! The food (not Saturday and only lunchtimes) is traditional pub grub with cheap prices and is wholesome and filling. They do Thwaites ales plus a couple of guest ales. On this time were Conniston Bluebird and Black Sheep Bitter. Reputed to be haunted, probably from the church opposite, we didn't see a ghost on this occasion. Parking is limited to two cars, so walk or park further away. A beer garde out back with kids toys for summer. Can get busy of an evening.



there are more than two parking spaces at this pub, the historical pictures are genuine, and the myth about the pub being haunted is of the ghost of highway ,an George Lyon who is supposedly buried in the church yard across the road 





beer, food, beer garden, real fire 


©Beerguide 2024


Thwaites beers 


