
The Shrewsbury Hotel
Bridge Place
(01743) 340382.


Open all day  




The Shrewsbury Hotel  

Facing the river this pub can sometimes feel the waters lapping at its feet. That aside, Wetherspoon have done a good job of converting the old hotel into a modern drinking environment.

On a Saturday night it tends to be over full of 'young' people on bottled lager and spirits who leave a mess after them (it's been the same on 10 visits now), but you can still find families with children at the toilets end who come in for a cheap meal.

Despite the lack of piped music, the noise level can be very loud with people shouting and talking loudly. There are some booths near the toilets (far end of picture) where conversation is possible and relaxing - very much a young persons pub. The decor inside is a mixture of dark brooding colours and light pine furniture which gives it a homely feel. As usual there are objects rescued from the junk dotted about the walls and some pictures of Shrewsbury.

The food is cheap and prices tend to be a little higher here than say Wolverhampton or the Wetherspoon 'community pubs', but the good quality is still the same.

Real ales on at the time were: Rebellion Hangover from Hell, Salopian Shropshire Gold and Salopian Stout. All well served and cheap.

There is a beer garden out front, but faces car park. A second out back is also small but has picnic benches.

Access for the disabled is good as you would expect from this company.

Not far from the train station.



None as yet.

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b&b, beer, food, beer garden, no smoking, music, kids, car park, real cider, train


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Salopian Gold
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