
The Boathouse
New Street
Port Hill (near station)
(01743) 362965.


Open all day  




The Boathouse  

The Boathouse is as it suggests, right on the water and is an old building with plenty of character outside and in.

The real beams are a 'real' hazard for the taller amongst you as unless you sit down, there is a need to stoop. Apparently there used to be a mortuary in the basement years ago - lovely! At least they wouldn't have drunk the beer.

There are two bars, the smaller one having the dart board, no pool though. To reach the pub come across the footbridge from Quarry Park into the terraced gardens where in the summer they have bouncy castles for the young at heart and body.

On this occasion there were no ales from the Shropshire Brewery, but they did have some good ales: Abroad Cooper, made by Flowers, Gales HSB, and Hanby Nutcracker. They also have the usual Boddingtons, Fuggles IPA, Fullers and Flowers Original. On Sundays The Boathouse hosts a quiz and anyone can join in.

There is no accommodation here, but try the Shrewsbury tourist information should have the names of some local B&B.

Remember this is a tourist town and so will be booked heavily in the summer.



This may not sound as much, but I once lived in The Boathouse between 1984 and 1991, my parents were the managers (Brian and Lynne Branagh) and i must say it was the most wonderful place to grow up in. Shrewsbury is a wonderful town, and the location of the pub was perfect. We had a dog called 'Zack' who was very popular with the locals as he used to bark at people on the patio from the roof.

Apparently my dad got a few awards for his time at the pub, and it is a shame we ever left (supposedly down to food demands from Whitbread - the brewery at the time). Also, the view from the roof whilst the flower show fireworks were on was absolutely wonderful.

We went on to live in many pubs subsequently (including The Four Crosses at Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury), including many down south in the home counties. Living in 20+ pubs was quite an experience, but the Boathouse was easily the best.

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beer, food, beer garden, real fire, kids, train 


©Beerguide 2024


Gales HSB
Hanby Nutcracker.



Lythwood Hall
Lythwood, Bayston Hill
Shrewsbury, SY3 0AD
(01743) 874747
From S:£30, D:£55.
